The Creative Monthly Challenge by Good Is.
I came across this blog last year, it’s an oldie but goodie. The blog was titled, “The GOOD 30-Day Challenge: Art Every Day,” by the organization Good is. Good is (quite literally)” a global community of, by, and for pragmatic idealists working towards individual and collective progress.” I was introduced to this organization a few years ago by a dear friend of mine. I was immediately drawn to the positivity that their organization promotes, if you haven’t had a chance to check them out click on their logo above to explore their awesome website.
One of the things that they do is create different 30 day challenges, and I happen to stumble across their 30 day “Art Every Day,” challenge.This is definitely a great way to help incorporate a creative hour into your day. Not only can a creative hour be dedicated to actually creating something, but it can also be used to take part in a creative outing (visiting a museum, gallery, taking a street art tour, etc.). In addition to taking part of the latter, integrating the arts into your life, can also improve your health! An article in the BBC news reported the following information: According to researchers in Norway, “Trips to the theatre, concerts, art galleries and museums have been linked to better health and wellbeing.”
Here is this week’s impromptu idea: Take a look at the list that Good is provides in their 30-Day Challenge: Art Every Day, and go for the challenge. Remember not only will this challenge be enjoyable, but it’s also healthy, and who doesn’t want to healthier!
"An artist's responsibility in society is the same as anyone's - to be a good person, to treat the people around them well, and to do their small part to make this world a better place."
-June Glasson