A Multifaceted Storyteller

Painting Series


Painting Series


Play Series

The “Play,” Series is series that I am currently working on. I've been exploring various different techniques in painting this series, and have been exploring and having fun enjoying simply the process of creation. There is on current timeline for when I will be done with this series, so it would grow to be one of biggest series to date, as I feel I may come back time to time between other works that I am working on.

Rebel Series

"Rebel" is an experimental series where I go against my creative instinct. Within this challenge, I have pushed myself to move past my old habits of creation and have evolved a new approach towards my abstract paintings. Each piece reflects a story of this defiance act I put upon myself. So within the work, you’ll see the reflection of various stages of where I was within the creation process. As an artist, repetition can be comforting and can be stagnant, and to grow; you have to break some old ways. Over the past several years, my work as an abstract painter has grown exponentially. Still, I wanted/needed to push myself outside of my comfort zone, especially being that I am a colorist.

To view more images from the Rebel Series, please click on the slide show.

Summer Series

The "Summer" series is a visual series based on my emotional reflections of the summer seasons past. During this current moment we are facing, it has caused us to search deeply within ourselves and reflect deeper than perhaps we even wanted. The summer is usually a time for travel, and for me to get re-inspired. Since travel is not entirely in the cards, I decided to go down memory lane and thought about all the summer seasons of my past. Thus creating visual memories of the good and  hard moments.

To view more images from the Summer Series, please click on the slide show.

Chaos Series

Chaos is the newest painted series that is a visual representation of the philosopical concepts of Chaos and Order. Exploring heavily on the diactomy of beauty and danger within Chaos, I painted from a stream of conscienceness influenced on my personal emotional reflections on today's current events. 

To view more images from the Chaos Series, please click on the slide show.

Le Rêve Series 

Le Rêve is the newest painted series based on the emotional context of dreams. Dreams of love, desire, sorrow, and adventure. Which dream stands out to you?

To view more images from the Le Rêve Series, please click on the slide show.

Visual Poetry Series 

The Visual Poetry series is about portraying the emotional dark and light sides of the heart, mind and soul that women face daily, displayed in a dream like quality.

o view more images from the Visual Poetry Series, please click on the slide show.

Warrior Series

As a young woman, I find that on a day to day basis, determining what is my worth. This is an inward struggle I feel that many young women are constantly faced with it. What do we do when faced with such adversity daily? Do we step up and become the warrior that is within us or do we let ourselves be silenced and fade away? This is what the Warrior Series is about. 

To view more images from the Warrior Series, please click on the slide show.

Warrior Hearts Series

The Warrior Heart Series is a continuation of the Warrior Series, rather then the extroversion  the Warrior series displays I wanted to explore what the heart would look like. 

To view more images from the Warrior Heart Series, please click on the slide show.