A Multifaceted Storyteller

Opening Reception and Storytelling Series


Opening Reception & The RR Storytelling Series


digital Opening Reception

You can now view on the opening reception live instagram footage.

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series- Episode one: break faith

This is an IGTV storytelling series on my Renegade Renaissance,” exhibition at the Art Attack Gallery. In each episode I will tell a story behind some of the painted pieces from “Rebel,” to give an in-depth look into my creative process.

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode Two: Colony

In this episode I talk about one of the more unique pieces in the show, “Colony.” It even got it’s own wall!

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode Three: Uprising

In this episode I talk about one of the biggest pieces I have ever painted, “Uprising.” This piece is about six feet wide!


Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode six: Change

In this episode I talk about the triplets, and the naming of the work. Only one more episode till this series concludes!

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode four: Combat

In episode four I tell the story of Combat one of the works I created during shelter in place, and my choice to be a fulltime artist.

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode seven:Conculsion

In the final episode of this storytelling series, I discuss about the final piece of art I worked on for the Rebel series, in addtion to a sneak peak to my next body of work.

Renegade Renaissance Storytelling Series-Episode five: evolution

Next episode I go into detail about the evolution of the work. Starting from the beginning nearly two and half years ago in comparrison to the last 5 months.