A Multifaceted Storyteller

Exhibition Statement

“Cable,”  From the Rebel Series  (c) LE BohemiamMuse 2020 24x24 Acrylic and mixed mediums on canvas

From the Rebel Series
(c) LE BohemiamMuse 2020
Acrylic and mixed mediums on canvas

Exhibition Statement

"If you're going to rebel, do it with purpose." 
 - Kushandwizdom

I am LE BohemianMuse: a passionate and expressive artist, going against social convention. Through this persona, I revitalize the influence that art has on life and society, using creative force to mirror the joys and faults of humanity. Each painting I create is abstract and aggressively displays emotional struggle, doubt, and hope. Through abstract art, I move beyond simplicity, and I am open to the complex. Seeing that life can, at moments, feel simple, our emotions are more intricate.

"Rebel" is an experimental series where I go against my creative instinct. Within this challenge, I have pushed myself to move past my old habits of creation and have evolved a new approach towards my abstract paintings. Each piece reflects a story of this defiance act I put upon myself. So within the work, you’ll see the reflection of various stages of where I was within the creation process. As an artist, repetition can be comforting and can be stagnant, and to grow; you have to break some old ways. Over the past several years, my work as an abstract painter has grown exponentially. Still, I wanted/needed to push myself outside of my comfort zone, especially being that I am a colorist. 

Each piece is titled with the various wordplay on the word rebel, though a few pieces reflect a moment of hope. Being an emotional painter, I work from a stream of consciousness. Being rebellious is often too sensationalized, sometimes to the extreme of either admiration or hate. But it's a necessary tool when you want to establish change. Order cannot exist without a little chaos, and once that chaos settles, an actual difference can happen. Only then does hope genuinely arise. I apply this concept to everything from social justice, systematic change, and even personal growth. This series is a story of my continued surge as an artist by calling forth my inner rebel.